April 27, 2008

Weight Loss Food – What You Eat Decides What You Lose

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , at 5:15 am by sunjithecook

You must be wondering how can there be food that can help you lose weight? After all we have always considered food as something that gives us energy and of course the unused energy gets converted into fats or rather flab. But what are such foods that can help you get an effective and quick weight loss?

Well, these are nothing very mysterious or something for which you need to shell out hundreds of $$$. These are all available in the supermarket next door. But before I tell you more about weight loss food, there is something that all of us must accept. Weight loss is something that should be done at a comfortable pace because our body has saved all this amount of excess fat over a period of a few months or maybe even years and to even attempt to lose it all in a matter of a few days can put it in grave danger. We should give our body sufficient time to adjust with our reduced weight so that we don’t fall sick to some other illness while trying to lose weight.

Now coming back too food that would help you to lose weight. Well, to begin with you must ensure that your daily diet consists of little or absolutely no unsaturated fats. Your daily diet must consist of a lot of high fiber and low fat food. You can also add high protein and low fat foodstuffs to your daily diet. A high fiber content means that while you will always feel full, the amount of fats consumed is minimal and therefore the body will have to use the stored energy (in the form of fat) to keep the various processes like metabolism up and running. Below is a list of food items that aid in weight loss

1. Cabbage
2. Carrots
3. Radish
4. Tomatoes
5. Cucumber
6. Garlic
7. Sea Cod & other fish products
8. Egg White
9. Naturally grown poultry products (they contain more protein and less fat)

These are all those products that are high in proteins, vitamins and minerals but extremely low in their fat content and will definitely help you to lose a lot of weight.

The Great Weight Loss Mistake That Is Destroying Your Life

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , at 5:14 am by sunjithecook

There is one big mistake that most people will make when it comes to losing weight. The biggest misconception that people have is that dieting can help you to lose weight.

When most people go on the latest fad diet they will make a huge effort to eat very little food and when you reduce your intake of food then your body goes into starvation mode. While in this mode your body will not burn fat but will instead store fat.

This happens because when you suddenly reduce the amount of food that you eat your body doesn’t know why and it thinks there must be a famine. Your body’s natural response to this is to conserve energy in the form of fat to survive this famine. Because your body is storing the fat then you are actually gaining more fat instead of losing fat.

For your body to have energy it will usually burn fat but because it is storing the fat it will then burn muscle instead. As a result you will lose your muscle strength and you may even start suffering from loss of energy and fatigue.

To lose weight you need focus and you need the desire to take action. You don’t want to starve yourself but instead you want to make a lifestyle change and change your diet to a good, healthy and nutritional diet, combined with a good exercise program.

Although a lifestyle change like this can be hard it is well worth it in the long term and once you get into your new routine it will get easier as time goes by. Using a product such as Hoodia Gordonii which is an appetite suppressant and it can help you to stick to a healthy diet and make it easier to get into your new and healthy lifestyle.

Remember that your only big enemy is your negative mindset. Unless you change your mindset into a positive one, you cannot expect to lose weight. Get the negative thoughts out of your way and see how simple it is to lose weight!

Women Fat Loss – Get Ready For Bathing Suit Season

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , at 5:12 am by sunjithecook

Women Fat Loss For many women, fat loss is a mystery until they learn what really works. I also believe that fitness and training should be available to people of all occupations and nothing is more important than a healthy satisfying lifestyle and well-being.


The first thing you need to do when beginning your fat burning program is to be clear on what you want. More men than women experienced the loss of fat from their faces, arms, legs and buttocks. By simply drinking water consistently throughout our day, we can help our body’s immune system. A diet low in saturated and high in unsaturated fats, along with regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of getting a heart attack and decrease both body fat and the levels of fat in the blood.

Women’s Fat Loss

Overweight women are less likely to conceive because fat disrupts hormones, which regulate ovulation, and often women who lose weight will find they fall. Get ready for bathing suit season with the best Women’s fat loss training. In addition, as for women, needing a different protein all I will say is; do you see a women’s meat section in the deli or at the butcher. Some women will go to any means necessary, so desperate are they to shed that excess fat. Moreover, the fact that many girls and women feel that these are role models to follow in terms of health and body shape, is just plain gross. The average woman works a 40-hour week or longer, takes care of her family and helps in her community.


You may have the desire to achieve your best body ever, yet your actions are doing the exact opposite. Your desire is to have a lean and shapely, but not overly defined sexy body. Until now, you have been leaded to believe that the price to pay for having a sexy and shapely body is constant hunger, irritability and mood swings.


Ask yourself how your life would be if you had the body and the health you desired. I want to prove to you that anyone can radically change their body, their lifestyle, and their life with a well thought out exercise routine that encompass resistance training, cardio training, healthy nutrition, and a positive mindset. The best and most effective way is to combine a healthy eating plan with regular exercise.


Healthy young women today are privileged to be the first generation in history who presently has available the knowledge base to lay the foundation for healthy later years through a lifetime of proper nutrition. Weight loss is not only about losing inches but also about looking and feeling great, and more importantly, being healthy and radiant. What if I already eat a very healthy balanced diet full of fruits, veggie’s, good quality unprocessed carbs, salads, lean proteins , raw nuts etc.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. In summary, being physically active, choosing a variety of grains, fruits, and vegetables, taking care to handle foods safely and choosing a diet that is moderate in fat, sugar, salt and alcohol (if at all) are important health strategies for young women.

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:08 am by sunjithecook

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